**	Author: Peter McCutcheon
**	Date Created:  7/22/2016
**	Last Modified: 7/22/2016
**Description of Code:
**	This script implements displaying the code examples. The program adds and
**	event listener to a text box.  On any change to the textbox an Ajax request
**	is sent to the server to retrieve a code/description file that maps three
**	character airport codes into a descriptive name.  The file is scanned for
**	the code that the user entered and then the airport descriptive name
**	is displayed.

var tBox = document.getElementById("displaycode");
tBox.addEventListener("change", function()
	var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
	//alert("Ok we triggered the change event.");
	if (!request)
		alert("Error - Ajax object not created, browser may not support Ajax.")
	request.onreadystatechange = function() 
		if (request.readyState == 4)
			if (request.status == 200)
				if (this.responseText != null)
					var AirPort = "";
					var tmpStr = "";
					var apcodeUpper = "";
					var apInput = document.getElementById("apcode");
					tmpStr = apInput.value;
					apcodeUpper = tmpStr.toUpperCase();
					var apDesc = document.getElementById("apdesc");
					var results = request.responseText.split("\n");
					//alert("Results: " + results);
					for (i = 0; i <= request.responseText.length; i++)
						AirPort = results[i].split(",");
						//alert("AirPort: " + results[i]);
						if (AirPort[0] == apcodeUpper)
							//alert("We found it.");
							tmpStr = AirPort[1].replace('"','');
							apDesc.value = tmpStr.concat(AirPort[2].replace('"',''));
				else alert("Ajax error: No data received")
			else alert("Ajax error: " + this.statusText)
	request.open("GET", "../data/apinfofile.txt", true);

}, false);